Pop False Ceiling Designs and Pop Wall Art Designs for interior

A lot of homeowners are raving about pop designs, pop ceiling ideas, pop false ceilings, and pop wall designs. Gladly, today we have more wall ceiling pop designs 2016 compared to yesterday to renovate our homes. If you are looking to view some the best pop ceiling designs photos you have come to the right spot. I will share some important pieces of information about pop designs 2016 which will definitely stay in trend in 2017 and 2016. Good thing about pop design is that you can have it installed anywhere in your home for instance in living room where you meet and greet your guests, in your bathroom to give it a modern and luxurious makeover and in your bedroom to feel more relaxing inside. What is Pop design made of? The first question is what is a false ceiling design made of? The answer is Plaster of Paris. The gypsum power is first used and processed, sometimes it is heated above 1600-1700 C to the point where it looses its all water component.When this powder is heated...